In Conversation with... Tash of @thejollytownhouse

We’ve been asking some of our favourite people from around the web some questions about their life, writing habits and favourite ways to connect to nature, or their friends and family.

This week we caught up with Tash from @thejollytownhouse on instagram.

What is your favourite thing about Spring? 

I love Spring for so many reasons, but if I had to choose one favourite thing, it would be the days getting longer and lighter. I suddenly feel like I have more hours in the day and the possibilities seem endless. Humans were not designed to wake up in the dark!

What is your favourite way to relax and unwind? 

I’m notoriously bad at relaxing and find that the best way to still my mind is to make my hands busy. To me, being completely absorbed in sewing or painting - and not thinking about anything else but the task at hand - is deeply relaxing.

What is your favourite place to write your greetings cards or letters? 

I like to make an occasion of writing a card or letter. The place varies - it could be a little café on holiday or a fireside at Christmas - but it’s always somewhere peaceful and there’s usually a glass of wine at hand.

Could you share a bit about a card or letter that you received which you will remember and keep forever? 

While I was at boarding school, my godmother - an incredibly worldly and adventurous lady - used to send me a postcard from wherever she was travelling. It meant that I had an almost constant stream of mail in my pigeon hole, which was all the more special because I was so far from home. It made me feel connected and loved, and I still have all of them stowed away in a shoe box. 

I’m a soppy, sentimental old thing and I’ve kept every love letter and classroom note I’ve ever been sent. I once kept a handwritten love letter folded up and hidden away inside a silver locket. The locket was stolen, but the worst bit was losing the letter. Luckily I remembered it off by heart and immediately wrote it down multiple times so I could never lose it again.


Thanks so much for your time, Tash! You can find more of Tash and Ben’s lovely pictures and words over on @thejollytownhouse 

Tash’s top 3 picks from our Spring Range:

(click the images to find the linked product)


  1. Daffodil Writing Paper

2. Pocketful of Flowers Notecards

3. Gingham Spring Cards




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